See a piece that you like, but find that it is sold? Or, interested in commissioning a special, one-of-a kind piece of artwork, but don't know how to go about it? Please read on!

I enjoy working with individual collectors to create art in collaboration. Commissions start by discussing what size piece you might prefer. After that, we may discuss elements in my other work that you might like to see incorporated. Different themes, materials, colors...may all be considered.
After accepting a commission, I will send photos to you as the piece progresses, and stay in touch via email/phone to be sure you are an integral part of the process and creation of the piece.
Once completed, the work will be delivered to you by the artist locally, or may be shipped to your doorstep anywhere in the world. (I have had work shipped to Singapore!) Pieces to be delivered will be carefully and professionally packed, shipped, and insured to reach your destination in perfect condition.
Most pieces take approximately one month to complete. Extra large canvases (4' - 6') typically take two to four months from beginning to delivery.
To inquire about commissioning a piece of art, please begin by contacting me at WildSide Studio, kl@wildsidestudio or (970) 710-9026. I look forward to working with you!
WildSide Studio offers special discounts for interior designers and corporate art consultants.